Tag Archives: pinan yondan

Another Tuesday class

Hoping to be able to get back on a Tuesday/Saturday schedule again.

Zack led the class today.  Stretched and worked on blocking/punching drills. Went through all kata up to Pinan Sandan before breaking into groups.

Starting with Fukugata Ni and in all Pinan kata, the first move is a short step forward with a turn to the first block.

In Pinan Yondan, after the first two kicks, there should be a slide forward into the hiji-ate attack. Following the second kick, the next move is a strike with the right hand and a head block with the left. That should have the proper angle and distance for jodan-uke even though the hand is open.

Worked on Naihanchi Sandan with Sensai Lara. The first and third front punches should be followed by a chest block. She said the tendency is to rush through the Naihanchi kata, but that it’s important to perform each move.  Performing these kata slowly to emphasize the individual moves is perfectly acceptable. Afterwards Sensai Alvin said that for the moves that have a supporting hand, it should just touch the punching/blocking arm.

Worked on Fukyugata Ichi/Ni bunkai with Sensais Zack and Alvin.
I remembered more of each than I thought, but don’t feel especially comfortable with them yet.  I think I need to practice both parts regularly like I do kata.

Lastly, we worked on nunchaku basics:

inside kasa-uchi

jodan-uke followed by an around-the-head strike

chudan-uke followed by a figure-eight

lower/uppper cross block in zenkutsu-dachi

February first

Ido Kihon

Kizame-zuki sliding forward – Sensai said my basics were good, but that I need to get more hip rotation to drive the punch.
Chudan/Gedan shuto-uke both forward and backward. Sensai complimented my gedan shuto-uke.

Added a few other techniques moving across the floor:

chudan soto-uke kosa-dachi, front kick (from Pinan Shodan)
gedan kosa-uke
morote soe-uke

Also need to work on my hip rotation with gedan uke, gedan kosa-uke and morote soe-uke.

My gedan kosa-uke was awkward when blocking down with my right hand. In Pinan Yondan and Godan the blocks are with the left.
Partner drills, with 2 partners

worked on kicks (front, side, roundhouse and spinning back) alternating legs and direction.

blocking/punching drill from Yakusoku kumite #6. Partner on left steps and does a right front punch. Block right with inside chest block followed by uraken. Then, partner on right steps and does a left front punch. Block by covering with left hand, then step in left while switching blocking hands and finish with inside left-hand uraken.


Fukyugata Ichi/Ni, Pinan Shodan/Yondan, Naihanchi Shodan

Need to focus on Pinan Yondan this month – especially stance after kicks and turns.


Didn’t feel my sparring was especially good – hesitant, and poor use of combination attacks. Accidentally, landed a punch to Sensai Palmer’s chin while sparring. He rushed in with several quick attacks and with the distance, it just happened. Apologized several times, but felt bad and couldn’t help feeling that I should have had better control.