Tag Archives: fukyugata ni

Second Class For July

Class was led by Sensai.

Started with a couple of slow performances of Fukyugata Ⅰ, followed by lots of individual and partner (Simon) assisted stretching.

Worked on blocks (jodan, chudan, gedan and gedan-barai) and punch, double punches from jigotai-dachi.

Practiced Yakusoku kumite Ⅰ-Ⅴ from right and left sides. I’m finding I have to unlearn Ⅴ somewhat and not turn my back to the opponent. Didn’t realize I’d practiced it enough to have that pattern ingrained.
Basically, I need to remember to turn to my left (counter-clockwise) when attacking. Received my black tip today.

Finished with two Fukyugata Ⅱ, and renzoku Pinan Ⅰ, Ⅲ, Ⅴ


Worked at length on basics.  Sensai pointed out that I was leaving my (esp. left) arm bent on gedan-uke. Should be fully extended. I also need to remember to step up and into jodan-uke.

I feel a lot more confident in my technique, which also means I’m more relaxed and breathing better. Nonetheless, by the end I was winded and my technique was noticeably weaker.

Worked on Fyukugata Ⅱ bunkai. We broke the  attacking part down into three sections:

The opening part starts with chudan gyaku-zuki using the opposite arm of the defender (Since you’re facing each other , it ends up being same side – just the opposite of Fyukugata Ⅰ). Then step back  and throw another chudan gyaku-zuki. Finally, kick mai-geri from the front foot landing forward end ending in kumite-dachi.

In the middle part, the attacker steps forward left and punches kizame-zuki, then steps back left again punching kizame-zuki. Steps back right into nekoashi-dachi and blocks the right side kick by covering with the left hand. After the defender throws the tate-hiji-ate, the attacker kicks mai-geri from the front foot, lands forward and punches kizame-zuki.

For the final part (the very end of the kata), the defender starts in gyaku-zuki zenkutsu-dachi right side forward and back to the opponent. The attacker steps forward left and punches kizame-zuki, then steps forward right again punching kizame-zuki. Changes feet using footwork Ⅱ and punches right.

In the black belt class, we went through all sai kata twice (once by the count and once renzoku) and ended class by performing our highest kata (ananku) for Sensai. He had no real comments other than we need to continue to practice.

I also reviewed Yakusoku kumite Ⅴ with Jessan. The opening part of the defense doesn’t require much movement, rather just pivot the feet into naname zenkutsu-dachi and block chudan-uke.

Return of the bo

Class led by Sensai.

Worked on Fukyugata Ⅰ/Ⅱ and Naihanchi Shodan/Nidan

Bo finally made an appearance in Tuesday class this year. Also a new basic bo kata (I’ve referred to it as Kihon Bo Ⅰ since one never knows if there is another on the horizon.) This comes out of the Matsubayashi-ryu lineage as opposed to the don-yu-kon Ⅰ/Ⅱ kata which originate in Yamanni-ryu.


Class tonight was a kind of state-of-the-state, with Sensai getting a handle on where everyone is in terms of their karate kata though Ananku. Some of his things I recall:

We performed Fukyugata Ⅰ two moves per count, and he asked how that changed the kata. There were lots of answers, none incorrect, but for my part, the thing I noticed was that it linked blocks and attacks in a more meaningful way. It created an attack/counter attack combination and changed the flow of the kata. He mentioned that something similar could be done with Fukyugata Ⅱ with three moves per count.

Despite all my practice out of class, I managed to mess up parts of both Pinan Nidan and Pinan Godan. I just kind of lost focus while Sensai was making comments to others regarding various techniques. Afterwards, when we were asked to select Pinan kata to work on independently, I chose these two. Later in class, Sensai commented on the transition from jodan-zuki to gedan shuto-uke in Pinan Nidan, saying that it simply flows from high to low. There is no need to chamber or stop in the middle.

Sensai complimented my turn from nukite-zuki to oi-zuki in Pinan Sandan. That’s something I feel like I still need to continue to work on, but it’s definintely nice to know that there is consistency, if not improvement there from someone else’s perspective. In addition to working on that, I need to work on a better jigotai-dachi in the following section of uraken. The reverse-punches should be delivered as a strike with a natural pull-back, which also places the forearm in a blocking position.

Seems I have been practicing Ananku incorrectly, at least by the count. The first count only has the down blocks in jigotai-dachi. These should come down hard. The second count is the front punch in zenkutsu-dachi. Beyond that, for the time being at least, I think my Ananku is coming along alright, just needs continued practice to gain confidence.

I still can’t quite believe that Sensai selected me to perform Pinan Shodan with Zack. To me that’s the highest compliment so far regarding my effort within and without the dojo. It also seems ironic (then again maybe not), since I often watch to learn from his kata. There’s no doubt that my karate has improved immeasurably from things I’ve managed to learn from him. The same holds true for Sempai, Lara and Jessan.
Sensai’s comment was that I need to breathe more. To that, I’d add relax, but then again, that’s something that has been said for the last 2½ years. It has improved though.

In the black-belt class we worked on Naihanchi Shodan and Nidan renzoku, and at our own pace. Performing by the count takes away from these kata in Sensai’s estimation. Later we broke out again into groups and worked on Pinan Shodan bunkai and performed kata of our choice (Naihanchi Sandan).

Finally, I worked on yakusoku kumite Ⅰ-Ⅴ with Sensai Clark. I need to remember to look at the opponents eyes throughout. Ⅳ ends with a kizame-zuki to the opponent’s chest. Ⅴ begins with a right outside uchi-uke while twisting the hips/feet to the left. The footwork does not slide out to naname zenkutsu-dachi however. The second move is to left to kosa-dachi while at the same time turning right to block the attacker’s kick with gedan-uchi. The third move can include a 180° turn or not, however both partners should perform it the same way.

Happy Birthday

Class was led by Sempai and at the beginning had an extra focus on stretching. He feels that he gets a better stretch in Chinese splits when rolling forward and up from a seated position as opposed the the traditional Okinawan way.

Sempai commented that in sparring or self-defense, where you are is as important as what technique you use. His point was to be aware of how you close distance and where you end up relative to your opponent. Your location not only impacts your options, but can serve to limit his counter attacks as well.

Performed Fukyugata Ⅰ/Ⅱ as well as each person’s highest kata (Ananku).
Worked on bunkai oye of the third move in Fukyugata Ⅱ with Tom. The interpretation we came up with was as a leg trap instead of simply a downblock.

Another Tuesday class

Hoping to be able to get back on a Tuesday/Saturday schedule again.

Zack led the class today.  Stretched and worked on blocking/punching drills. Went through all kata up to Pinan Sandan before breaking into groups.

Starting with Fukugata Ni and in all Pinan kata, the first move is a short step forward with a turn to the first block.

In Pinan Yondan, after the first two kicks, there should be a slide forward into the hiji-ate attack. Following the second kick, the next move is a strike with the right hand and a head block with the left. That should have the proper angle and distance for jodan-uke even though the hand is open.

Worked on Naihanchi Sandan with Sensai Lara. The first and third front punches should be followed by a chest block. She said the tendency is to rush through the Naihanchi kata, but that it’s important to perform each move.  Performing these kata slowly to emphasize the individual moves is perfectly acceptable. Afterwards Sensai Alvin said that for the moves that have a supporting hand, it should just touch the punching/blocking arm.

Worked on Fukyugata Ichi/Ni bunkai with Sensais Zack and Alvin.
I remembered more of each than I thought, but don’t feel especially comfortable with them yet.  I think I need to practice both parts regularly like I do kata.

Lastly, we worked on nunchaku basics:

inside kasa-uchi

jodan-uke followed by an around-the-head strike

chudan-uke followed by a figure-eight

lower/uppper cross block in zenkutsu-dachi

First workout of 2014

… and my first karate post of 2014.

Today we worked on:

Ido Kihon

When doing nekoashi-dachi sliding forward, the feet should not be in jugotai-dachi, rather the back foot should stay pointed forward. Puts less stress on knees and allows natural transition to counter attack.


Practiced Fukyugata Ichi/Ni and Pinan Shodan. Somehow missed the nukite-zuki in Pinan Shodan the first time (did another shuto-uke instead). Lost count or maybe not focused enough? Sensei complemented me on the second tomoe-zuki in Fukyugata ni.


Alternated kicks from both the front and back legs with a partner, blocking with same (front) hand and without moving backward.

Moving back and forth across the floor with a partner, alternating two kizame-zuki attacks, and chudan soto-shuto-uke blocks. On the defense, worked on dropping back into nekoashi-dachi – first pulling back and springing the blocking hand forward powered by twisting the hips. Later learned that this is a traditional Pinan Shodan blocking drill.

In Fukyugata Ni, after the double block and punch in zenkutsu-dachi, pull left hand across the body keeping the arms and upper body compact and kind of springing into the kyobu shuto-uchi. Same thing later in the other direction and also pulling back into the first tomoe-zuki.