This year, Danjo Sensai began by talking about how to bow in seiza (kneeling) position. Talked about placing hands in shape of triangle and bowing so that forearms just brush the floor.
He reminded again that when standing up from lotus position, you should do so without using hands for support. Helps to rock to one side and requires some practice. Have found that it works easiest for me if I start with my right leg in front of the left.
After moving basics, did foundation drills from 20 to 60 repetitions. More on kicks and punches. Due to number of people, was hard to do kaiten ushiro-geri.
Leg sweeps in fumi komi-ashi should not go past opposite knee. Danjo sensai’s naihanchi-dachi is very wide.
Paired up to practice a warmup drill from pinan yondan prior to performing kata. Drill was middle section from rest to yoko-hiji-ate.
Kata notes
Fukyugata Ichi
WMKA board has added a second kiai. Occurs on the 3rd chudan-zuki – directly opposite of the original one (on 1st kizami-zuki) in Osensai’s kata.
Fukyugata Ni
Should be no slide on the first gedan yoko-barai-uke. Do slide on the second.
The circular block in tomoe-zuki, can be seen with one hand or two – especially in Okinawa. The two-handed version looks more like wari-uke.
In either case, it should not be hard, pushing the opponent’s arm away. Rather should deflect/pull in opponents punch then follow with punch to the abdomen.
Pinan Nidan
Turn back (left) foot inwards to make turn easier at the end when switching from left to right side delivering gedan shuto-uke.
Pinan Sandan
Created out of moves from Passai, Kusanku, and other now lost kata. During big turn in center section of kata, the right hand should be brought up to block forehead (like in Osensai’s book) The following oi-zuki should be straight.
Pinan Yondan
Mai-geri in middle-end section is to stop an advancing attacker. Kick, plant, then double punch.
Pinan Godan
Feet are parallel in final two moves. See Osensai’s book.
Ended training by practicing Fukyugata Ⅰ bunkai.