Practiced Fukyugata Ichi/Ni, and Pinan Shodan/Nidan/Sandan.
Repeated the chudan soto-shuto-uke partner drill from 1/4. Sensai mentioned that this is a classic Pinan Shodan drill.
Practiced several drills
In the first, the attacker steps in and punches. From kumite-dachi (right side forward), the defender needs to time the punch while simultaneously moving the back foot forward to deliver a fukubu-geri under the attack. Moving into the punch allows the defender to use the attackers momentum against him. Seems to be an application of Pinan Shodan.
In the second, the attacker again steps in and punches. This time the defender settles back (moving the front leg back but not retreating) receiving the attack, and delivering a side kick under the attack.
In the final drill the attacker steps in and punches. The defender switches sides in the kumite-dachi. Again, timing the punch, blocks it with hangetsu-barai-uke followed by a back-kick or a sweep.
The attacker makes 3 punches with alternating hands – head, center, center. The defender blocks the first with Jodan-uke (opposite side of the attack), then using the same hand, drops down into chudan-uke to block the second punch. Then switches hands pulling the third attack and dropping the opposite hand down for another chudan-uke to block the third punch. An application of the opening part of Pinan Shodan.
Practiced defending against knife attacks. Sensai emphasized not being afraid to grab the blade during an attack. Better that than getting stabbed in the torso.
The attacker steps steps forward stabbing with the knife in the right hand. The defender blocks across and away from the body with the left hand. Then grabs under the attackers knife hand and twists up locking and bending the wrist. Sensai showed this as an application of the middle sequence of Pinan Godan (gedan kosa-uke, chudan hasami-uke, zuki)